Wednesday, June 12, 2013

When the bean is on overload...

I amaze myself at the amount of useless trivia I have in my head. Sometimes, I'm not even aware that something...some little tidbit of information has wormed it's way in there and it will suddenly come out when I least expect it. Or I will have forgotten something, the name of a movie or a song, and it drives me crazy and then something unusual will happen to suddenly remind me! My brain is a freak.

For instance, last night I had a dream. In the dream there were three people that I had to deal with for various and sundry reasons which are not important to the story. I just had to deal with each one and, strangely, they were all named Courtney B. Vance. Now, in the dream, I was aware of how strange that would be that three separate people would all be named Courtney B. Vance. But even stranger was that, in my dream, I kept getting this strange feeling that I actually knew someone named Courtney B. Vance. When I woke up I was convinced I had heard that name before but, for the life of me, I couldn't remember ever meeting someone with that name. So I did what ever red blooded person does these days - I googled it. And it turns out that I had heard the name Courtney B. Vance before! I had heard on Sunday night when an actor named Courtney B. Vance won a Tony for his work on Broadway. Why that name stuck somewhere deep in my subconscious I'll never know. I have never seen the man act. Never heard of his before watching the Tonys and I wasn't even paying that much attention to the show at the time but  there it was - Courtney B. Vance - so firmly stuck in my bean that no less than three characters in my dream shared his name.

Another weird thing that happened that involved my brain...I was trying to think of the name of a movie that I had seen years ago. It tool place in the Middle Ages and it starred Rutger Hauer, Michelle Pfeiffer and Matthew Broderick. Pfeiffer and Hauer were lovers who were cursed by a jealous priest (who loved Pfeiffer). He turned Rutger Hauer into a wolf by night and Pfeiffer into a hawk by day so they could never lay eyes on one another again as humans as long as the cursed lasted. Matthew Broderick played a thief who ends up helping them lift the curse. Anyway, you can see, I could remember pretty much everything about the movie except the damn title! Then, later on, after I stopped trying to think of it (I didn't google it because I got side tracked and frankly it wasn't all that important), I was watching television. It was a reality show called Dance Moms and the dancers were performing to some music I had never heard before. At the end of the show I watched the credit to see who was playing the music and it was a group called Ladyhawk. And BINGO! That was the name of the movie I was trying to think of earlier! Ladyhawke - with an e on the end. What a coincidence! But so weird too!

Turns out it was all for naught anyway - it's not available for streaming on Netflix. Better luck next time!

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