Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My Bucket List...

Recently, a young girl named Talia Joy passed away after a long and arduous battle with cancer. She had some fame as she started to post YouTube videos of herself giving lessons on using make up. These caught the attention of Ellen DeGeneres and Cover Girl cosmetics and they began to officially sponsor her. Sadly, she lost her battle with cancer and is now gone. Before she passed, she created her bucket list. A bucket list is a list of things you want to achieve before you die...or rather...before you kick the bucket. Talia's fans have taken it upon themselves to complete her bucket list. Since she will never achieve the rest of those goals, they are doing them for her. I've never given much thought to what my own bucket list might be until reading about Talia and her list. It made me wonder...what are the things I would like to do before I die. Here they no particular order...

  1. Live in a foreign country.
  2. Learn to speak Swedish fluently.
  3. Get a dog.
  4. Host a dinner party.
  5. Travel to Africa.
  6. Write a book.
  7. Own my own home.
  8. Work less.
  9. Meet David Bowie.
  10. See a glacier.
  11. Do one more play.
  12. Travel to Japan.
  13. See all of the United States.
  14. Touch a real tiger or lion.
  15. Own a horse.
  16. Paint something spectacular.
  17. Walk into a car dealership and pay cash for the car of my dreams.
  18. Fly first class to anywhere I want.
  19. Always know true love.
  20. Swim in the ocean again.
That's a good start. I could probably think of a thousand more things! I hope I get to do some of them before it's my turn to go. Maybe, when I'm gone, someone else will pick it up and try some of them too. What's on your bucket list?

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