Friday, September 13, 2013

Getting connected....

I consider myself a fairly computer savvy person. I use a computer daily, at work and at home. In fact, over the last several years my shift in how I get news and entertainment has very drastically changed and I get most of it now from the Internet. I used to be a big time television watcher. It's how I grew up. TV was where it was at and there were shows scheduled every night that were "must watch". You know, the ones all your friends watched so you could talk about them the next day. I still have a few favorite shows. I love The Walking Dead and American Horror Story. I am also a proud fan of Survivor. And I confess I watch...Dance Moms. I do...sorry. Can't help it. But other than that there really aren't any regularly scheduled shows that I make a point to watch.

These days, rather than TV, we talk about the latest meme we've seen around the water cooler. We swap ideas we've pinned on Pinterest and whine about the level of frustration we have from Candy Crush Saga. I have my own Internet routine each day. I log onto Facebook to check out what my friends and family have been up to lately. Everyday - first thing in the morning. I check my news sites to see what's going on in the world. I look into Goodreads to see what people are reading these days and often go add some books to my Kindle based on the recommendations they make. I check Twitter to see what those folks I follow are up to. I follow a mixed bunch too - getting recipes from Andrew Zimmern, jokes from Eddie Izzard and updates on my beloved Green Bay Packers as well as finding out what my nieces and nephews are doing. I've ventured into opinion based sites where companies want feed back on their products. Yes, I have to put out a little bit more personal info than I was used to or previously comfortable with but it's been worth it so far. Getting free stuff nearly daily is fun and I've loved trying out new things too. I stream movies on my computer through Netflix. I shop online. Recently, I reconnected with my Aunt, who is a nun, and new to email. Her correspondence has been a riot as she's in her 80s and a nun and hasn't used a computer ever in her life. I stay connected using a variety of devices too. I have a desk top, a lap top, a tablet, and a smart phone. I can get on line from anywhere. Overkill? Maybe. Yeah....maybe. But oh well! I know I wouldn't change it. I love my toys!

My Internet life has been pretty amazing. I've connected with really good people and even met my wonderful hubby via the Internet. Old friends have come back into my life because of the Internet. Creative moments happened because of the Internet. Getting connected and staying connected has changed my life.

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