Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Killing a family tradition...

Every year, on the normally dreaded Black Friday, I would wake up before dawn, slam down the strongest coffee I could make and head out, sisters in tow, to get as many freebies and deals possible before 8am. We'd stand in the shivering crowds outside of stores, waiting for the terrified clerk to open the doors and let us all teem inside.  There was method to our madness.

The night before, Thanksgiving night, we would tear through the local ads to see which stores had what deals and at what time. We would plot our course to get there on time to get the best deals. We'd argue over the route we'd take between Kenosha and Racine. Every minute counted. In the morning, we were ready! Santa hats on, reindeer antlers on, red noses on! Away! We were the warriors of Black Friday who, along with the hoards of other warriors, were out to get a bargain. And I can honestly say, we had a blast! We never encountered those screaming, swearing, tear your hair out brawls they always depicted on the local news. We encountered people who were out to have a good time, just like us. They'd break into Christmas carols when we did in an effort to stay warm while waiting outside. They'd swap tips with us for getting in and out of the store in record time. They were kindred souls!

Now, however, we are grounded. Black Friday has ceased to be what it used to be. There is no "start time" now. No planning to be done. The retailers are killing Black Friday. They're insisting it start earlier and earlier. This year it's starting on Thanksgiving which, when you think of it, shows little respect for their employees and less regard for those of us who used to love lining up outside their doors. Oh, I'm sure they'll have plenty of folks still shopping but it will never, ever be the same without this crew!

Nope, we don't go out for Black Friday anymore. In fact, I'm holding out until Small Business Saturday and I've decided that as much of my Christmas shopping as I possibly can do will be done downtown at the great little stores in Kenosha! I know there will be one or two things gotten at a larger chain store but most of it will be small, personal and putting money back into my community. So, retailers - you blew it! And the winner is - small town businesses everywhere!!

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