Friday, February 22, 2013

Simple pleasures...

We were talking at work about our favorite things. You know, those things that you find in life that just seem to find their place in your heart or mind or stomach and they become your favorites. Almost always the list is simple, good stuff. Stuff we remember from our childhood or stuff we suddenly stumble upon when we least expect it. So here are the categories we talked about at work.

Favorite food: Ah, for me this is an easy one. Ever since I was a kid it has been fried chicken. I have other foods I love (mashed potatoes please?) but fried chicken is my all time fave. I went on a family trip to Texas once and ate fried chicken at every single restaurant we stopped at! It was great!

Favorite Every Day Drink: Again, another easy one for me. Water. That's it. I drink it all day long. I'm not a big soda drinker though I'll have one once in a while and I like juice too but always have a huge water bottle next to me.

Favorite Alcoholic Beverage: A really good Bloody Mary. I'm a Bloody Mary snob and I have had them all over the place so I know a good one when I taste it. Currently, the best one in Kenosha is being served at Ashling on the Lough. It comes fully loaded and it kicks ass!

Favorite Ice Cream: Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey

Favorite Musical Artist: This one's too hard for me to name just one. But I can tell you I adore strong female vocalists regardless of what genre they might sing. I'm really interested in Pink right now. I've seen some of her performances on video and she's amazing!

Favorite Current TV Show: Survivor! At least until October and then I have to admit I am an American Horror Story freak!

Favorite Old TV Show: I went way back for this one. Mine is the Dick Van Dyke Show. I've seen every episode and they still crack me up!

Favorite Actress: Meryl Streep - she's just the best there is.

Favorite Actor: Jeremy Irons. Brilliant!

Favorite Rainy Day Past Time: Reading. I have a Kindle and I love it! Currently finishing up "Yes, Chef" by Marcus Samuelson.

Favorite Article of Clothing: I have this soft pair of capris pants that a friend gave me that I love to lounge around in. Wearing them right now in fact and they have quickly become my faves.

Favorite Movie: This one is hard for me because I love movies! But I think my go to movie is Silence of the Lambs. I really do like that one an awful lot.

Favorite Sandwich: Peanut butter and jelly. Nothing compares.

Favorite Snack: Potato chips. Always. And I like the regular kind the best. And, of course, once I have salty I need chocolate! LOL

Favorite Sport: Football. Packers! GO!

I guess that's about it. We might have thought up more categories but I can't think of them right now. It's kind of fun to think about this stuff in a group because everyone is so different and comes up with some interesting answers! What are your faves?


Paul E. Vagnoni said...

Cool list. I may copy it for a blog. What about favorite pizzeria?

Leplume said...

Pa's...all the time! I know we have a lot of great pizza here in K-town. I mean you can't really go wrong with Valeo's or Luigi's or Carls or Luisa's! But theres something about Pa's Pizza that I just love the best.

Paul E. Vagnoni said...

Great minds, MB, great minds…