Monday, July 8, 2013

Summer heat....

I can't believe that it's already the middle of July! It seems that we here in Wisconsin spend all winter waiting and hoping and praying for warmer weather and once it comes - it goes so quickly! I love summer and all that it brings. Living so close to Lake Michigan, there is a certain fresh smell in my neighborhood brought about by lake water, freshly mowed grass, people grilling out, and sunscreen. These are the smells of summer to me!

So far this summer, we've celebrated the solstice with our traditional Swedish midsommar party. We watched our city's Veteran's Parade (though don't get me started...this year's parade was not something to be desired...) and we had our annual July Fourth shindig ending with a spectacular fireworks show. I've only been swimming twice though which is something of a thorn because though it's been warm this week, last week it was still a wee bit chilly and we've had quite a lot of rain.

I had last week off from work. Paid vacation days are great, especially when I don't really go anywhere! Just staying home, doing what I want and getting paid. Awesome! Next year though, my sisters, Alex and I are planning to go up to a cabin in Hayward, WI. It's the place my family has gone to for years and I'm looking forward to introducing Alex to the great northern Wisconsin forests. Maybe we'll even see some bears!

There's one other thing that will happen this summer. I have to lose some weight. Since it's warm and I can get out to walk or swim, there is really no excuse for me to be so sedentary. I have to do it. I've already been revising our usual menu and making smaller portions. So that's good. I'm not going to cut out the things I love because I know that will never work for me but I will take them in moderation and sparingly. I can enjoy them just not in gargantuan portions! I will do this for me.

Since it's mid-July, I better get a move on! Summer goes way too quickly when you're a grown up. I remember as a kid, summer vacation seemed to drag on and on. I couldn't wait for it to start because there would be no school but by mid-August I was more than ready to go back. Now I wish these lazy hazy days could go on forever. With pay! :)

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