Saturday, August 3, 2013

Just thinking...

It's an absolutely beautiful Saturday afternoon and I'm just thinking.

Just thinking about how lucky I am. I had kind of a rough week, with work and not sleeping well, but today I am rested and feeling content. I was thinking about what to do today and then started feeling grateful that I had so many options to choose from. I'm thinking there are people in this world who's options are limited.

I'm thinking how cool and amazing it is to be married to someone that I not only love, I genuinely like and want to be around all the time. In fact, I think there is not another person on this earth that I'd rather spend time with. I think that's special. I think there are people out there struggling with their relationships and I think I'm blessed for mine.

I'm thinking that I'm hungry. I just said it out loud and then followed it with, "There's really nothing to eat here." I think that's a lie. I think we have ample food and it's just a matter of me deciding what to make. I think there are people who don't have enough to eat on a daily basis and I think we need to do better to feed them.

I'm thinking there is so much to do today and it's all mine for the choosing. There's a Pike River Rendezvous right up the street from me. Reenactors dressed as traders and Native Americans gather on the shores of Lake Michigan to show how life was back in the fur trader era. It's a good event! I'm also thinking of going to the Racine County Zoo. This little zoo is a short drive from our house and it's such a great little place. They've done wonders giving the animals more realistic enclosures and creating an educational setting for zoo visitors. I think my vote is still out on the efficacy of zoos in general because I believe that animals should be in the wild. But I think I would never get the chance to actually see a giraffe or lion or baboon if zoos didn't exist. I think I am selfish at the expense of the animals.

I'm thinking I've already taken up too much of this beautiful day writing this blog. I think it's time for me to make some decisions and head out! So, I think I'll say good bye now!

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