Thursday, August 7, 2014

Time off, old friends and thoughts of kindness...

This week I have been off work, taking a much needed vacation, just staying home and not doing much of anything. I did get to spend some time with my dear old friends from college on Sunday. We try to do that once a year and it's always a blast. Nobody can make me laugh harder than those folks and they don't even have to try. We only see each other once a year but it's like we never stopped seeing each other at all. Gotta love friends like that.

Yesterday, Alex and I went to the Racine Zoo. We do that once a year too. I've been to that little zoo so many times in my lifetime. My mom used to take me there when I was little. It's vastly improved since then. They've made the animal enclosures much better but they don't have a lot of animals there anymore. No bears at all. I remember the bears being the thing to see. Still, it was a nice way to spend the afternoon. Walking around the zoo showed me just how out of shape I am! I have to start using my treadmill more! Sheesh!

I got a Crop Box this week. That was something new. A local farmer here has a cool deal that you sign up for on Facebook. For $10 you get a crate full of fresh grown veggies. This week I got two cabbages, some peppers, green beans, a watermelon, beautiful corn on the cob, onions, raspberries, some apples, and cucumbers. It was great! They fill it with whatever they have that's ripe so each week it's different. I already signed up for next week.

Today I'm going swimming at my sister's house. Hopefully, I will be doing the same tomorrow. I love to swim and have done blessed little of that this summer. My time off has been restful and good. I've been trying to make the most of it and trying to keep my mind quiet and my mood kind. I can be a bitch sometimes, I know, and I have really been making an effort to not be. I really believe that kindness is the key to so many problems in the world. We need to be more kind to one another. So I am doing my best to try. So far this week, I know that there have been times I have failed. But I'll keep at it.

I'm off for a swim! See ya!

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