Thursday, July 25, 2013

Stop yelling at me!!!!

I can honestly say that in the 20 years I've had this job, I've been yelled at more than any one person should be. Today was no exception. Sometimes, trying to help people can be hard. You don't always get the appreciation that you think you should. In fact, it's rare that anyone ever says thank you.

I started today pretty well. I even did get a thank you from one of our clients. Then a client asked to speak to someone and even though it was not one of mine, I was the default go-to person. It started well...and then all hell broke loose. The client thought I was laughing at her. Now, let me explain, I would never laugh at a client for any reason. I take their issues very seriously and always treat them with the utmost respect and mutual positive regard. This particular client is having a really hard time right now determining what's real and what isn't. I get that. She thought something happened that didn't. And then she laid into me. Even though I know that her view of what happened is not true, it upsets me, none the less. Getting yelled at sucks.

And, for me, personally, the idea that someone believes that I would do that hurts me deeply. I care very much about the people I work with. I worry when they're not doing well. I see them suffering from their mental illnesses and want to do everything I can to help them on their rode to recovery. I know there is a better life for them and that they can go on to have happy, productive lives in spite of their diagnosis. This is why it hurts me to get yelled at.

Another aspect of this issue is this - where can anyone go and just arbitrarily yell at someone at their place of business. No where. If anyone did that they would be arrested. So, I advocate for a zero tolerance of this behavior at our place too. It's a life skill that many people have to learn. Not just our clients either. Think about how  rudely people behave in check out lines and to service people. It's a skill everyone should work on.

Anyway, my whole day just kind of went into the toilet when I got yelled at. Hopefully the rest of the day will be better.

1 comment:

Paul E. Vagnoni said...

I certainly hope your day improved, MB.