Friday, February 21, 2014

And the health issues continue...

So for the past month I've been following my doc's orders and taking everything he's prescribed as prescribed. Final result? I feel exactly the same as when I started and nothing has changed. I feel like shit. In fact, I went through one round of antibiotic, called the doc, got another round of something new and that still didn't work. So...

Yesterday, I had my follow up appointment with him. I have three new appointments awaiting me - one for a colonoscopy, one for a pap smear and one for sleep study. I also have to get a CT scan and some more blood work done.  Now, I'm still taking the iron supplement and the high dose of Vitamin D, something to help me sleep and Prozac. I have to take a probiotic and a nose spray. I went from not taking anything stronger than a Tylenol to taking 6 prescribed medications. I only just started them today so there's no verdict yet as to whether this is now helping me. I stayed home from work today, feeling like crap, and hoping this combo will kick in and I start feeling like a human being again.

There's always hope.

1 comment:

Paul E. Vagnoni said...

Sorry to hear that you are still feeling poorly, MB. If it's any consolation, I haven't been able to kick whatever is making me feel cruddy. Hopefully the sleep study will show something. I have been using C-Pap for about 14 years now. Hang in there! P