Saturday, March 22, 2014

The saga continues...

So in the vein of "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong" something else is going wrong. Last weekend, I had a routine eye exam. I wear glasses so I go at least every other year. It was the usual routine - eyes dilated, read the chart, what's the smallest line you can read kind of exam. My prescription changed slightly so I'm getting new glasses but the doc saw something new. Of course, he did. Because 2014 is my year for every single doctor I see to "see something new" and sending me on to another doc. He said my optic nerve appeared to be swollen so I had to see an ophthalmologist. Immediately.

So, yesterday, I did. He made me do a field of vision test. Turns out whatever is making my optic nerve swell is blocking my peripheral vision in my right eye. He took a picture and showed me the nerve. Yup, its swollen! But he can't tell me what's causing it so now I have to have an MRI done on Tuesday which, he says, will show what is causing the nerve to act up.

So far this year has been a roller coaster for me. I'm happy to be attending to my health issues but I'm also seeing that side of American health care that is so frustrating and costly. I don't doubt that some of what I'm being made to do is for my own good (the MRI for example and even the colonoscopy). But I was also sent to get nutritional info from the diabetic clinic because I asked to see a nutritionist to help me with my diet. I am not diabetic. And the lady there wanted me to attend 6 sessions and get a prescription for a glucose monitor and diabetic supplies which I don't need! I think it's wrong to have my insurance pay for something that I do not need. This is why insurance costs so damn much in this country! I called my doc and I'm not going back to those sessions.

Anyway, I know it's important to take care of your health. But I'm learning it's just as important to speak up for yourself when dealing with the medical professionals because once you get in the health care loop, they will keep you going on and on and on...

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