Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What a week!

Last week was a whirlwind of excitement and emotion for me. So many things happening at once and though some were harrowing, all ended up being overwhelmingly positive. Let me explain...

As some of you know, for the past several months I have been struggling with some very annoying health issues that have left me tired and feeling crappy for a long time. Those issues have now thankfully resolved. I still have one issue to deal with - a swollen optic nerve - but that too will be resolved soon and it really doesn't bother me at all so I can't really say I'm struggling with it. Now that I'm feeling better, I also decided to apply for a great new job with tons more responsibility and I got it! I was told last week and I'm really psyched about that! While all of this was going on, my husband convinced me to sing at our agency's 40th Anniversary Celebration which took place this past Saturday. I haven't sung in front of people in a very, very long time. We chose some 13 or so songs and another co-worker played guitar. We rehearsed for over a month and, finally, the day arrived. In spite of my sheer terror, we did really well. We sounded pretty damn good and I got a lot of compliments on my voice too.

While I was doing all of that, I discovered that one of my sisters was in the ER. She was having some horrible chest and upper back pain and thought she was having a heart attack. The doctor poked and prodded her back and hit the right spot which nearly sent her through the ceiling. He quickly diagnosed her with some kind of scapular nerve damage and gave her a steroid, a shot of Novocaine, a pain patch and some Vicadin for later. She felt better almost immediately. She was worried because her daughter, my beautiful niece Jenna, was graduating from Marquette University on Tuesday and she thought she would miss it. But she didn't. The proud mama saw her baby graduate with honors.

So, with all the nerves and ups and worries and downs and ups again, by Saturday night I was ready to CHILL OUT! Which I did. And it felt good.

Side note - Everyone should have a CPAP machine even if  they don't have sleep apnea. Seriously, pure oxygen while you sleep makes you feel fantastic in the morning! I don't think I've had this much damn energy since I was a toddler!

1 comment:

Paul E. Vagnoni said...

C-Pap is a wonderful thing. By the way, was one of the songs that you performed, "Life in the Barrens?" :~)