Saturday, December 27, 2014

Knowing how lucky I am...

I can be kind of a pain in the ass sometimes. I let work and every day aches and pains get to me and I lose sight of the things that are really important. I bitch. I admit it. I was moping a bit before Christmas because I kept thinking of all the things I don't have. I don't have my Mom here anymore. I don't have the traditional Christmas Eve family gathering anymore. I don't have...I don't have...I don't have...

By the time Christmas Eve arrived I was pretty much resigned to the idea that it was going to be bad. But, you know what? It wasn't. It was quiet. It was just me and Alex and we had a great time. We exchanged our gifts and had a great dinner and sat in the glow of our little tree and it was sweet and special and enough. Then, on Christmas Day, it was really brought home to me how truly lucky I am to have a big wonderful extended family. We all gathered at my sister's house - this year wearing our ugliest Christmas sweaters for the first time - and ate ourselves silly. She really cooked up a storm - ham, turkey, lasagna, potatoes, veggies, rolls, salad, stuffing and more home made candies and cookies than humanly possible to consume. We played Charades which is always cut throat. My team, the Lithuanian Thunderpants, narrowly missed a win but finally lost to the Nacho Muchachos by one point. We would have won but we had a rookie on our team, my niece's new boyfriend who never played Charades before! We laughed and sang carols and had a blast.

And you know what? That is what Christmas is all about. I didn't think for one moment that  I was missing anything because I couldn't ask for anything more! I am blessed. Blessed with the biggest, nuttiest, most fun family in the world. And I love them dearly.

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