Thursday, February 26, 2015

Choose happiness...

One of my nieces posed this question on her Facebook page, "Are you truly happy?" Her friends, all in their mid to late 20s all weighed in with various answers. Some of them decided they were happy for now but things could be better and some were not happy at all and had a laundry list of complaints. I find the question interesting and one that I've asked myself from time to time.

I think about happiness a lot. I see a lot of unhappy situations where I work. People living in poor conditions, dealing with illnesses and poverty and hopelessness but I can't really tell you the last time I saw a truly unhappy person. Because even in the unhappiest of situations, most people will tell me that they do feel some happiness in their lives. Somehow, they find it.

I am a happy person. Now having said that, let me also say that I have slight depression for which I take medication. I am dealing with health issues but meeting them head on. I'm going a bit stir crazy from being home all the time due to my knee surgery. I wish I had more money so I could do more of what I wanted to do but I don't. Yet, I am happy. I look around at my small home, at my husband and family and know that I am loved and have people to love and that is what matters. So I am happy.

I am one person in a big, big world and at the end of the day I might not leave a very big foot print but I do leave a mark so I am happy. I do matter. I have worth. I am interesting in my own way. I can be funny and fun to be around. I can also be crabby and worth leaving alone once in awhile but then again, so can we all! Life is too short to constantly live in a state of want and wishing and worrying. Sometimes, maybe more like all the time, it is very important to relax, breathe and appreciate who and what and where we are. And when you comes to you. Happiness. It's right there. Waiting for you. Just take it.

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