Monday, April 13, 2015

Sometimes it's just right...

So, there's much in my life I could gripe about...not sleeping well, stiff leg problems, not losing weight as fast as I would like, rain, etc...but I just can't bring myself to really care much about any of that today. Sure, I feel a bit tired from a crappy sleep schedule but for some reason I am in a really good mood. A strangely optimistic, weirdly positive, sunny mood. A coworker even told me to "shut up" today when I told her to look on the sunny side of life. Ha!

Truth is, I know how good I've got it. Alex and I went out for dinner this weekend. A luxury we can afford whenever we want to and our conversation was about the possibility of us buying a house. The fact that we are in a financial position to buy a house just goes to show that we are doing well and that is something to be very grateful for. We are not rich. Just working hard and being frugal and that makes all the difference. I have learned a lot from Alex about frugality. He is very good with money and has shown me that we can live well and have the things we want and still save money while doing it. We have no need to live extravagantly. We just live. And we are happy.

I appreciate the things we have but more importantly I appreciate the time we have together and the people in our lives. That's what makes me truly happy and makes me realize that all those little gripes just aren't worth the time or effort. Life's too short to be grumpy! I can't help myself today! I feel like Scrooge waking up and realizing he didn't miss Christmas after all! I wish I could share this feeling with all of you.

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