Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Making plans...

I like making plans. Sometimes they come to fruition, sometimes not. For instance, later this year we are planning to travel to Sweden to help my papa-in-law celebrate his birthday. I'm fairly certain that is a plan that will come to fruition. Now that my knee is healing and I'm walking somewhat normally again I'm pretty sure I'll be able to navigate an airport come October. Lately though, Alex and I have been talking about bigger plans. We've been tossing around the idea of buying a house or a condo. It's something that's been on our minds for a while now and certainly something we can do if we set our minds to it.

The difference this time is, I think, we have seen our way through one major purchase thus far - a new car. We got it financed and have been paying it off. Alex, being so frugal, has been able to pay it off much faster than we ever anticipated too which is great! And I think that's made us realize that we can move forward on getting our own place. Not that we don't love our little apartment. We do. But it's little. And not entirely ours. We need some more room.

Ideally, we would like two bedrooms. One for us and one for guests that could also be used for our studio. A nice kitchen is a plus. And we realized after looking around that we love our current location so we really don't want to stray too far from the neighborhood we're currently in. So, we are making plans! I like planning. It makes me happy to look forward and have dreams. There's just something happy about that.

And happiness is where it's at!

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