Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Sweet release!!

Yesterday was my birthday. And I got the phone call of a life time. My doctor called me with the final pathology report from my surgery. The tumor in my uterus did not permeate the uterine wall or muscle nor did it enter into the blood vessels. The surgery removed it all! I AM CANCER FREE!!!


I don't need any further treatment. No radiation, no chemotherapy! I screamed when she told me, I laughed out loud, and I cried. It was the best birthday I've had in my entire life.

I will have follow up with the Cancer Center for about two years just to be safe and sure but she said that they are assured that they got it all and the likelihood that it will return is very, very slim.

This has been a very stressful end to 2015 but now it's a very joyful one as well. I know what lies ahead. Much work to be done to get myself healthier and ready to live a long and healthy life with my sweet husband. There's a whole lot of life to be had out there. Adventures await us! I feel ready to take this on!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

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